Results for 'Johanne Stubbe Teglbjaerg Kristensen'

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  1.  28
    Andrew Robinson. God and the World of Signs: Trinity, Evolution, and the Metaphysical Semiotics of C. S. Peirce.Johanne Stubbe Teglbjaerg Kristensen - 2016 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 3 (1):97.
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    Should Athletes Be Allowed to Use All Kinds of Performance-Enhancing Drugs?—A Critical Note on Claudio M. Tamburrini.Thomas S. Petersen & Johannes K. Kristensen - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (1):88-98.
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    Should Athletes Be Allowed to Use All Kinds of Performance-Enhancing Drugs?—A Critical Note on Claudio M. Tamburrini.Petersen Thomas & Johannes Kristensen - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 36 (1):88-98.
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    Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs.Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
    Der Körper hat Konjunktur. Als ausgestellter, verfüg- und verführbarer begegnet er uns täglichim Übermaß. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis im Spiel der sich in den Wissenschafteneinander ablösenden turns auch ein corporeal (oder body) turn ausgerufen würde. Dabeibleibt im genannten turn der Gegenstand der Untersuchung nicht selten reduziert auf das, wasman im deutschen Sprachgebrauch »Körper« nennt: ein physisches Substrat, das wie ein Dingunter Dingen beschreibbar ist. Gegen diese Verkürzung stellt der Begri des »Leibes«,spätestens seit Edmund Husserl, eine präzise (...)
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    (1 other version)Board diversity in the united kingdom and norway: An exploratory analysis.Johanne Grosvold, Stephen Brammer & Bruce Rayton - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (4):344–357.
    This paper examines the evolving pattern of gender diversity of the boards of directors of leading Norwegian and British companies on a longitudinal basis. The period covered by the study covers the run up to proposed affirmative action legislation in Norway and, as such, affords an insight into corporate actions in this emerging institutional context. The findings demonstrate that, while board diversity has grown substantially in both countries in recent years, it has done so considerably more rapidly in Norway than (...)
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    For better or for worse: differential effects of the emotional valence of words on children’s recall.Johanne Belmon, Magali Noyer-Martin & Sandra Jhean-Larose - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Recent research has revealed the widespread effects of emotion on cognitive functions and memory. However, the influence of emotional valence on verbal short-term memory remains largely unexplored, especially in children. This study measured the effect of emotional valence on word immediate serial recall in 4–6-year-old French children (N = 124). Results show a robust effect of emotional valence on recall performances and recall errors. More precisely, we observed a facilitating effect of the positive valence of words: it allows better performance (...)
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    Das St. Galler Verbrüderungsbuch. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen paläographischer Bestimmung.Johanne Autenrieth - 1975 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 9 (1):215-225.
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    En biografi mot kollektiv glemselMaria SchwallerRosvollZolo Karoli.En europeisk historie.Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2021.Johanne Bergkvist - 2024 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 42 (1-2):462-468.
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    Réversibilités et parcours scolaires au Québec.Johanne Charbonneau - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 120 (1):111-131.
    Les analyses des parcours de vie s’intéressent surtout au repérage des régularités du cycle de vie ou, tout au plus, aux écarts aux modèles types, en termes de retard des événements ou d’allongement des transitions sur les calendriers scolaires, professionnels, résidentiels ou familiaux. Les études empiriques suggèrent pourtant la présence de dynamiques non linéaires évoquant la possibilité que les parcours comportent des « bifurcations » où tout peut être remis en question, pouvant entraîner des changements durables de situation. Ce phénomène (...)
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    Country, Industry, and Firm-Level Influences on the Prevalence of Women on Corporate Boards.Johanne Grosvold & Stephen Brammer - 2009 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 20:261-277.
    Prior research that analyses the cross-firm variation in the prevalence of women on corporate boards has tended to emphasise the importance of firm and industry-level factors, such as firm size, the quality of corporate governance, and the proximity to final consumers. In contrast, very little research has explored the role of national institutional factors for this important phenomenon. In this study, we explore the relative importance of country, industry, and firm-level factors in explaining the cross-firm variation in the proportion of (...)
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    Environmental Management in Times of Crisis.Johanne Grosvold & Grosvold Dahlmann - 2010 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 21:105-120.
    This study sets out to evaluate the role and emerging salience of environmental managers in a longitudinal perspective through a series of interviews with UK based environmental managers. Our results suggest that coercive isomorphic pressures are particularly important in driving the increased salience of the environmental management role and that stakeholder pressures overall have increased since 2006 which has further contributed to the environmental management function emerging as central to the business organisation. Views on the impact of the financial crisis (...)
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    Women on Corporate Boards: A Comparative Analysis of 50 Countries.Johanne Grosvold & Stephen Brammer - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:345-350.
    In this article we explore the influences upon the proportion of women on a country’s corporate boards. Using a conceptual framework that builds uponnational business systems theory, we investigate the extent to which national economic, cultural, political and social institutions explain cross-country variationin the gender composition of corporate elites. In the context of a sample drawn from over 40 countries, our empirical analysis shows that such institutionscollectively explain approximately two-thirds of the variance between countries in the percentage of women on (...)
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  13.  22
    Some Evidence for an Association Between Early Life Adversity and Decision Urgency.Johanne P. Knowles, Nathan J. Evans & Darren Burke - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Valence, form, and content of self-talk predict sport type and level of performance.Johanne Nedergaard, Mark Schram Christensen & Mikkel Wallentin - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 89 (C):103102.
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    Les Avancees Du Progres Medical Confrontees Au Droit A Propos De La XÉNotransplantation.Johanne Saison - 2004 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 17 (4):419-426.
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    Adrift: Havarie, an Acousmatic Film by Philip Scheffner.Johanne Villeneuve & Debbie Blythe - 2020 - Substance 49 (2):71-92.
    This text is based on an image that, in some ways, can be understood only in terms of sound. In the lonely darkness of a movie theatre, the audience spends ninety minutes gazing at a single image: that of a rubber dinghy drifting aimlessly on a vast expanse of water.This is the rare challenge posed by German filmmaker Philip Scheffner with his documentary Havarie: viewers are asked to focus on a single image while listening to a variety of sounds – (...)
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    The TV-Box: Reconsidering a Lost Television Set, Santa Claus and the Ants.Johanne Villeneuve & Will Bishop - 2015 - Substance 44 (3):73-97.
    For several years now, early cinema historians have developed certain notions that can help us define, in a much broader context, the axes of research in intermedial studies. Even though I’ll be giving it a slightly different importance, the notion I will be borrowing from these historians here is that of the “parameter.” Work by André Gaudreault and Philippe Marion on the emergence of the cinematographic medium relies on the idea that the medium appears as the result of a choice (...)
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  18.  36
    Bicycle cinema.Lars Kristensen - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 138 (1):65-80.
    This paper examines the relationship between identities and the bicycle as portrayed in films. The analysis finds that taking the viewpoint of the bicycle emancipates the bicycle from being subjected to closure, as the constructionists would have it, and thus articulates the differences with which the bicycle can communicate to its rider. The paper examines the bicycle as depicted in three films: Premium Rush (Davis Koepp, 2012), A Sunday in Hell (Jørgen Leth, 1977) and Life on Earth (Abderrahmane Sissako, 1998). (...)
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    The meaning of religion.William Brede Kristensen - 1960 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
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  20.  60
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty, une esthétique du mouvement.Stefan Kristensen - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):123-146.
    Je cherche ici à renouveler la compréhension de l’esthétique merleau-pontienne en lisant les notes de son premier cours au Collège de France, « Le monde sensible et le monde de l’expression ». Ce faisant, on peut voir certains films de Godard comme prolongeant la réflexion du philosophe, éclairer le rapport de Deleuze à la phénoménologie et enfin resituer Merleau-Ponty dans le contexte des pratiques artistiques contemporaines. La portée de cette phénoménologie du mouvement dépasse cependant le cadre de l’esthétique dans la (...)
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    Consequentialism in the Work of John Dewey and Peter Singer: Considering the Case of Effective Altruism.Bjørn Ralf Kristensen - 2025 - The Pluralist 20 (1):41-57.
    John Dewey and the prominent contemporary public philosopher Peter Singer both give naturalistic consequentialist accounts calling for actionable steps within present contexts. In the following pages, I put Dewey and Singer in conversation, focusing on commonalities and differences in their moral approaches, and in particular their diverging conceptions of how individuals can be understood within moral problems. My motivations for this writing stem from a sympathy for the ideals put forward by the effective altruism movement, an influential approach inspired largely (...)
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  22. L’œil et L’esprit de Jean-Luc Godard (French).Stefan Kristensen - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:129-143.
    Jean-Luc Godard’s Eye and MindIn his commentary concerning Jean-Luc Godard’s film, Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle, the film critic, Alain Bergala, writes that certain sequences of this film are “at the same time cinema and philosophy of cinema, a philosophy not very far from that of Merleau-Ponty in Eye and Mind, but a joyful and actually cinematic philosophy.” Here I propose a reading of Godard’s certain works found in different periods (Deux ou trois choses que je sais (...)
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    The Artistry of The Non-Humans.Stefan Kristensen - 2023 - Chiasmi International 25:227-241.
    In contemporary art, a growing number of artists experiment with non-humans in their actual artworks. This paper examines the issues related to such practices with reference to Jakob von Uexküll’s analyses of the configuration of meaningful worlds by non-human animals, as well as Merleau-Ponty’s and Deleuze-Guattari’s interpretations of Uexküll’s ideas. Uexküll maintained that every living being lives in a world with meaning; Merleau-Ponty understood this claim as situating the beginning of culture in the creativity of non-humans; Deleuze and Guattari emphasized (...)
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    Developing ethical formation through literature and philosophy in school.Lisa Rygaard Frost Kristensen - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 11 (2):61-78.
    When working with literature in the philosophical classroom, teachers can take pupils on journeys through time, history, other cultures, and fictional universes. Since literature invites readers into the lives and minds of others, the pupils can try on another person’s thoughts, emotions, life experiences, perspectives, attitudes, and worldviews. Thus, literature offers a unique window of experiences that has great potential for the philosophical classroom. In this—primarily theoretical—article, it is argued that the combination of literature and philosophy is valuable when practicing (...)
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  25.  15
    ANNABELLE DUFOURCQ, The Imaginary of Animals, Londres et New York, Routledge, 2022.Stefan Kristensen - 2022 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 30:403-409.
    Annabelle Dufourcq défriche des terrains glissants et instables avec méthode et rigueur, et aménage les conditions pour que de nouveaux concepts apparaissent. Elle est une sorte de permacultrice de la philosophie : elle laboure des textes classiques pour étayer des thèses inattendues ; elle bouture des concepts pour les laisser bourgeonner librement, elle mélange le compost et aère le terreau des problèmes encroûtés pour élargir le champ des relations entre humains et non-humains. Elle a publ...
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    Antieke en moderne kosmologie.William Brede Kristensen, Hendrik Josephus Pos & Eduard Jan Dijksterhuis (eds.) - 1941 - Arnhem,: Van Loghum Slaterus.
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    abstract: Perceptual Faith and Expressive Faith.Stefan Kristensen - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:281-281.
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    Corps et Symbolisation: La philosophie du dernier Merleau-Ponty et la question d’une épistémologie de la chair.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:321-337.
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    Challenging the Conceptual Limits in Health Psychology: Using the Concept of Conduct of Life to Study People’s Health Activities from a Social and Subjective Perspective.Kasper Andreas Kristensen - 2015 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 16 (2):103-125.
    This contribution explores the connection between health and subjectivity. Up until recently a marginally discussed topic in health theories, recent critical research in health psychology introduces notions of subjectivity to theories of health. These notions can be linked to phenomenology, embodied subjectivity, and psychosocial theories that have moved away from a partial, internal understanding of subjectivity. These recent theories tend to define subjectivity as a coherence of concrete, embodied and situated subjectivity that extends capabilities and activities towards a world of (...)
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  30. Dressed in Myth: Mythology, Eschatology, and Performance on Late Antique Egyptian Textiles.Troels Myrup Kristensen - forthcoming - Millennium.
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    Enabling Sustainable Agro-Food Futures: Exploring Fault Lines and Synergies Between the Integrated Territorial Paradigm, Rural Eco-Economy and Circular Economy.Dan Kristian Kristensen, Chris Kjeldsen & Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (5):749-765.
    What kind of futures does agro-food imaginaries enable and who can get involved in the making of agro-food futures? In this respect, what can the increasingly influential idea of circular economy potentially offer in terms of enabling more sustainable agrofood futures? We approach this task by first outlining the interconnected challenges that the agro-food system is facing related to environmental degradation, economic crises and social problems. Then we consider the way these challenges are being addressed in agro-food studies. We argue (...)
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    Flesh and the Machine.Stefan Kristensen - 2016 - Chiasmi International 18:169-182.
    This essay is a second attempt to reconcile the perspectives of Merleau-Ponty and Guattari, following on the examination of the unconscious in a previous issue of Chiasmi. Here the focus concerns an ontology that overcomes the dualistic heritage of Western metaphysics. More precisely, I compare the concept of flesh as Merleau-Ponty employs it in his later texts with that of the machine as Guattari uses this from the end of the 1960s until his last writings in the early 1990s. The (...)
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  33. Fra bøn til billede.Troels Myrup Kristensen - 2011 - In Ole Hã¸Iris & Birte Poulsen, Antikkens Verden. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
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  34. Foucault et la phénoménologie: le problème de l'unite du sujet.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 141 (1):29-46.
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  35.  44
    Figures of Silence: The Intrigues of Desire in Merleau-Ponty and Lyotard.Stefan Kristensen - 2015 - Research in Phenomenology 45 (1):87-107.
    My article examines the role played by the phenomenon of silence both in Merleau- Ponty’s thinking and in Lyotard’s. I show thereby the continuity between the two philosophers in spite of the distance taken by Lyotard towards the phenomenological tradition. The aim of phenomenology to express the pure sense of silent experience is in fact taken up in a peculiar way by Lyotard as the action of desire and can well be used as a key to understand the unity of (...)
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  36.  67
    Foi Perceptive et Foi Expressive.Stefan Kristensen - 2003 - Chiasmi International 5:259-280.
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    Hvad vil det sige at være et dyr?Jacob Lautrup Kristensen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:175-182.
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    Introducing dialogic as a research methodology.Mette Lund Kristensen - 2020 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 13 (3):196.
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    Litteraturteori.Peter Søby Kristensen - 1976 - [København]: Gyldendal.
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    Lori Gruen, ed. Critical Terms for Animal Studies.Bjørn Kristensen - 2021 - Environmental Ethics 43 (3):285-286.
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  41. Le mouvement de la création. Merleau-Ponty et le corps de l'artiste.Stefan Kristensen - 2008 - Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie 2008:243-260.
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    L’inconscient machinique et L’idée d’une ontologie politique de la chair.Stefan Kristensen - 2014 - Chiasmi International 16:127-147.
    The psychoanalyical notion of the unconscious is often considered as being out of reach for phenomenological thinking. When Merleau-Ponty refl ects on it, he takes the unconscious as the realm, in bodily life, that being not yet conscious, is likely to become conscious. He formulates it in his Résumés de cours with the famous sentence “The unconscious is the sensing itself”. Lacan, facing this interpretation, explains that Merleau-Ponty fails to recongnize the essential discontinuity between consciousness and the unconscious. From that (...)
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    Litteraturforskningens mål och medel.Sven Møller Kristensen - 1967 - Stockholm,: Wahlström & Widstrand.
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    La machine sensible.Stefan Kristensen - 2017 - Paris: Hermann.
    La sensation d'être soumis à une contrainte implacable peut déclencher une souffrance intense, une activité délirante, ou bien une créativité irrépressible. Elle peut prendre la forme d'une "machine" à influencer. Cette figure majeure de la maladie psychique depuis deux cents ans est le point de départ et le fil conducteur pour éclairer la structure complexe et paradoxale de la subjectivité. Loin d'être un outil technique, elle est un enjeu d'abord existentiel et esthétique. De Tausk à Szondi et Maldiney, de Merleau-Ponty (...)
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    David Abram’s Philosophical Hiking and the Argument for the Philosophical Foundation of Animism.Stefan Kristensen - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 49:141-155.
    David Abram est l’un des protagonistes les plus influents de la philosophie environnementale, aux confluents de l’écosophie d’Arne Næss et de l’ontologie de la chair de Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Cette brève contribution relève certains motifs et arguments centraux de la pensée d’Abram, en particulier son interprétation de la spécificité de l’animalité humaine et la perception du caractère animé du paysage. Elle ancre Abram dans une cosmologie animiste et donne une réponse à la question de la forme que pourrait prendre une sagesse (...)
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    Molecular dynamics studies of melting: II. Dislocation density and thermodynamic functions.W. Damgaard Kristensen, E. J. Jensen & R. M. J. Cotterill - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 30 (2):229-243.
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    Middelalderen som politisk middel i den spontan-abstrakte danske kunst.Jens Tang Kristensen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:117-133.
    With particular focus on Danish artists Henry Heerup (1907-1993), Carl-Henning Pedersen (1913-2007) and Asger Jorn (1914-1973), this article illustrates how spontaneous-abstract artists in World War II-era Denmark helped to perpetuate an idealized image of the Middle Ages as a homogeneous and unspoiled social order. It is argued that these artists took medieval culture to represent an uninhibited, irrational art, which they believed had somehow remained unsullied and beyond the exploitation of modern society’s political and capitalist powers. It is further demonstrated (...)
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    On the existence of pre-melting and after-melting effects A neutron scattering investigation.J. K. Kristensen & R. M. J. Cotterill - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 36 (2):437-452.
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  49. Phenomenology and psychoanalysis : disruptive speech in the realm of the flesh.Stefan Kristensen - 2020 - In Christian Tewes & Giovanni Stanghellini, Time and Body: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Approaches. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Riassunto: Corpo e simbolizzazione.Stefan Kristensen - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:337-338.
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